Election Integrity Update - 9/17/2022

Heather Honey

On this Saturday’s Election Integrity Update Heather Honey, Verity Vote founder, discussed  how the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), a taxpayer-funded entity, is a primary obstacle to cleaning America’s voter rolls.  Founded and initially funded by the Left ostensibly to help with voter roll accuracy, ERIC facilitates the creation of new Democrat voters from a database of Americans who have declined to register to vote.  Heather explained why Georgia’s participation in ERIC is a threat to election integrity and how our state tax dollars, flowing through ERIC, are being used for partisan political projects to build Democratic turnout in elections.  

David Cross reviewed the complaint that he and Kevin Moncla filed with the State Board of Elections on September 12th regarding the circumstances surrounding the official certification of Georgia’s electronic voting system by the Elections Assistance Commission (EAC).  Their investigation uncovered evidence that questioned the validity of Georgia’s voting system certification, the accreditation of the Voting System Testing Laboratory, and the credibility of the EAC itself.

Other activists provided updates. Meg Mehserle shared her experience lobbying the Houston County Board of Elections.  Sarah Thompson from Bullock County reported criminal acts by government officials and she shared her artistic rebuttal to Ryan Germany, legal counsel to Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger.

CP-GA Poll Watchers & Election CoordinatorsWe are gearing up for the 2022 general election. You can help place poll watchers in your county by volunteering as an Elections Coordinator.  Email Tania or call (912) 509-0945 today to sign up.  Poll watcher training has begun; click here to register for the updated training by Georgia Election Coalition partner Tea Party Patriots. 

I highlighted several upcoming events:

Use the link below to view the September 17th Election Integrity Update recording if you missed it or want to share with friends and family.

Meeting Recording Link:  CP-GA Election Integrity Update 9/17/2022
Access Passcode:  [email protected]

On the September 24th Election Integrity Update at 9:00 a.m. ET hosted by the CP-GA Garland Favorito and other activists will be available to answer your questions about efforts to advance election integrity in Georgia.

Until the technical issue is resolved that will restore the ability to text-to-register please RSVP with one click once you log into the website. Click here to log in or activate your account, then RSVP via the website.

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Click here to create an email to share this content with those you know who are concerned about and want news on election integrity.  Please don't forward this email to others because they could accidentally unsubscribe you from updates.


With a vision of victory,

Ricardo Davis
State Chairman
Constitution Party of Georgia

P.S.  Now that VoterGA and Rep. Philip Singleton have sued the State of Georgia to stop using the illegal ballot marking device (BMD) voting systems from Dominion, we need to urge our representatives and senators to replace the machines! Use this link to sign, then share it with fellow concerned Georgians:  https://www.gaconstitutionparty.org/dump_illegal_dominion_bmds.  Almost 3000 citizens have signed this petition and you can join them.  In addition, you can personally support the case in court by signing the Support and Demand for Court Protection of Citizens’ Elective Franchise petition. Use this link to invite your concerned friends and family:  http://www.OperationPatriotVote.com. Thanks for your help in supporting these efforts!

P.P.S.  If you are able, please chip in $10 or more today so the CP-GA can cover the cost of the meetings and campaigns to keep up the fight for election integrity here in Georgia.  Checking the "Monthly" option is an extra boost. 

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  • Constitution Party of Georgia
    published this page in Blog 2022-09-21 12:47:41 -0400
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