On this week’s Constitution Party of Georgia Statewide Tele-Town Hall we discussed the party’s statement on the recent FBI raid at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence and heard commentary by Garland Favorito and Attorney General candidate John Gordon.
I provided an update on the Georgians Against Abortion coalition’s effort to have Governor Kemp call a special session to vote on the Personhood Amendment to our state constitution. We reviewed lessons learned from the election result against protecting preborn life in Kansas earlier this month. You can view the petition calling for a special session at grtlpetitions.online. Please take a moment to sign it and share it with other pro-life supporters.
Garland Favorito updated us on several legal cases. He noted in the Curling v. Raffensberger case that it was puzzling to hear that Judge Totenberg denied all motions to unseal Professor Alex Halderman’s report detailing vulnerabilities in Georgia’s election systems by declaring it was too close to the 2022 general election despite at the same time acknowledging it was a roadmap for hacking. Garland assured us that while the Halderman report is an academic investigation, he will provide proof that the Fulton County 2020 general election was electronically manipulated next Sunday at Mike Lindell’s Moment of Truth Summit.
Garland noted VoterGA filed with the Georgia Court of Appeals on the lawsuit to ban the Dominion Voting System. This case was dismissed by the lower court due to evidentiary matters of the case, even though the plaintiffs had not been allowed to present evidence.
Garland also filed a writ of certiorari to the Georgia Supreme Court for the Fulton County ballot inspection case. The writ asks the Court to hear his appeal on the grounds that Judge Amaro’s ruling to dismiss violated all precedents, and therefore denied his constitutional right as a voter to challenge election fraud.
The Constitution Party has long fought for elections reform at the ballot box and has worked with other political parties and non-partisan organizations to remove unconstitutional hurdles that hinder voters from choosing the candidates of their choice Ted Metz updated us on the Libertarian Party of Georgia’s writ of certiorari before the Supreme Court of the United States. The writ challenges a federal appeals court ruling in favor of the current ballot access restrictions which require signatures from 5% of voters in a Congressional district for 3rd party and independent candidates to get on the ballot. These restrictions violate the First and Fourteenth Amendment right to equal protection, and ultimately suppress voters’ rights.
After the wealth of information previously noted, we heard from citizens working to restore election integrity. In Cherokee County Richard Jordan shared how citizens have launched a petition demanding their Board of Commissioners to “Ditch Dominion.” They invited concerned citizens in other counties to duplicate the effort throughout the state. Contact them here for more details. Lowndes County has already joined with its own petition.
We discussed an array of topics on last Saturday's CP-GA Statewide Tele-Town Hall. Use the link below to view the August 13th Statewide Tele-Town Hall if you missed it or want to share it with friends and family.
Meeting Recording Link: CP-GA Statewide Tele-Town Hall 8/13/2022
Access Passcode: !Ch9Xt0w
On the August 20th Election Integrity Update at 9:00 a.m. ET hosted by the CP-GA Garland Favorito and other activists will be available to answer your questions about efforts to advance election integrity in Georgia. Tania just text EIU08202022 to (404) 994-3586 quickly register. You can also RSVP with one click once you log into the website. Click here to log in or activate your account, then RSVP via the website.
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Click here to create an email to share this content with those you know who are concerned about and want news on election integrity.
With a vision of victory,
Ricardo Davis
State Chairman
Constitution Party of Georgia
P.S. Now that VoterGA and Rep. Philip Singleton have sued the State of Georgia to stop using the illegal ballot marking device (BMD) voting systems from Dominion, we need to urge our representatives and senators to replace the machines! Use this link to sign, then share it with fellow concerned Georgians: https://www.gaconstitutionparty.org/dump_illegal_dominion_bmds. Over 2,310 citizens have signed this petition and you can join them. In addition, you can personally support the case in court by signing the Support and Demand for Court Protection of Citizens’ Elective Franchise petition. Use this link to invite your concerned friends and family: http://www.OperationPatriotVote.com. Thanks for your help in supporting these efforts!
P.P.S. If you are able, please chip in $10 or more today so the CP-GA can cover the cost of the meetings and campaigns to keep up the fight for election integrity in Georgia. Checking the "Monthly" option is an extra boost.
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