On Saturday’s Election Integrity Update we highlighted several efforts of fellow patriots and supporters from around the state getting involved in the fight. Amanda Prettyman informed us that the Bibb County hand count of the Secretary of State’s primary ballots in three precincts will be conducted on Tuesday, August 16 (and August 17, if necessary). Trained poll watchers representing the Constitution Party of Georgia can serve as election monitors to observe this hand count. Email Tania Sosa if you would like to assist as an observer.
Surrea Ivy, Congressional Candidate for the 4th District, stunned us with her narrative on how she earned the support of 26,000 citizens across the political spectrum when she worked with Democrats on a petition drive. The petition demanded a hand recount of the primary for both parties, and an injunction against Dominion until their system is removed from our state. She announced a mock election to be held at the Duluth Public Library on August 27th, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. All participants will see the vulnerabilities of our current voting system and better understand why we cannot trust it for our elections. Ivy also described an opportunity for us to join her by filing official complaint forms against the officials responsible for tainting our elections. We will continue to follow Ivy’s progress including her upcoming Federal Grand Jury hearing scheduled for the 1st week of September. Click here to contact Ivy to receive notifications for the mock election and additional efforts.
Vicky Sutton shared her experience speaking to her Floyd County Commissioners on why they need to rid the county of the Dominion voting systems. She is following up that speech by giving her county commissioners copies of the 2000 Mules documentary. Next she plans to take her argument to her Board of Elections. Click here for a transcript of Vicky’s speech. I encourage citizens in every county across Georgia to do the same during public comment periods.
Sarah Thompson updated us on the reply to her request for copies of ballots from Bulloch County. Even though her request did not generate a court order for the ballots, it served as a step towards understanding the process and potential misdemeanor complaints for violating open records request laws. You can file a similar request in your county using her template and these instructions.
Garland Favorito discussed how the hand count efforts in Cherokee and Pickens are being subverted by their respective county lawyers. We heard about the Cherokee Board of Elections voting against proceeding with the audit after interference and lies from their attorney. Although the Pickens Board of Voter Registration and Elections already approved an audit, the county attorney refused to write a motion to unseal the ballots after being instructed to do so.
Libertarian candidate for Secretary of State Ted Metz joined us from Dallas with a live report from the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) and let us know that the issue of election integrity and urgency to restore our constitutional republic were active themes of the event.
We discussed these topics and more on last Saturday's Election Integrity Update hosted by the Constitution Party of Georgia. Use the link below to view the August 6 Update if you missed it or want to share with friends and family.
Meeting Recording Link: CP-GA Election Integrity Update 8/6/2022
Access Passcode: =4WdXn8d
On the upcoming August 13th CP-GA Statewide Tele-Town Hall at 9:00 a.m. ET I will provide updates on the party’s activities and Garland Favorito and other activists will be available to answer your questions about efforts to advance election integrity in Georgia. Just text TTH20220813 to (404) 994-3586 to quickly register. You can also RSVP with one click once you log into the website. Click here to log in or activate your account, then RSVP via the website.
You should get an RSVP confirmation with the Zoom Conferencing info and helpful tips. If you provide your email address but don't receive a confirmation email within a few minutes of registering, check your email provider's Spam or Junk folders. If the email message isn't there, check the Zoom Meetings Help page for assistance.
Click here to create an email to share this content with those you know who are concerned about and want news on election integrity.
With a vision of victory,
Ricardo Davis
State Chairman
Constitution Party of Georgia
P.S. Now that VoterGA and Rep. Philip Singleton have sued the State of Georgia to stop using the illegal ballot marking device (BMD) voting systems from Dominion, we need to urge our representatives and senators to replace them! Use this link to sign. Share with fellow concerned Georgians: https://www.gaconstitutionparty.org/dump_illegal_dominion_bmds. In addition, you can personally support the case in court by signing the Support and Demand for Court Protection of Citizens’ Elective Franchise petition. Use this link to invite your concerned friends and family: http://www.OperationPatriotVote.com. Thanks for your help in these efforts!
P.P.S. If you are able, please chip in $10 or more today so the CP-GA can cover the cost of the meetings and campaigns to keep up the fight for election integrity here in Georgia. Checking the "Monthly" option is an extra boost.