Election Integrity Update - 7/2/2022

Garland Favorito filed an election challenge for the Republican primary’s Secretary of State race, and this past Saturday on our Election Integrity update call he explained how volunteers help in fundraising efforts and other support activities to bolster this litigation in their counties. 

Certification ORR Analysis July 3 update

Tim Suddreth discussed efforts organizing volunteers to clean up voter rolls in Georgia, and David Cross discussed his petition to all members of the State Election Board, the Georgia General Assembly, the Secretary of State, and the Governor demanding they unseal the ballots. Look for upcoming announcements on this initiative. We also discussed an update on the Fulton County ballot inspection case and paid tribute to Larry Hough, one of our top volunteers from Cherokee County who passed away in May. 

Larry Hough in memoriam

Use the link below to view the July 2nd Election Integrity Update if you missed it or want to share it with friends and family.

Meeting Recording LinkCP-GA Election Integrity Update 07/02/2022
Access Passcode:  YU?42N9U

On the July 9th CP-GA Statewide Tele-Town Hall at 9:00 a.m. ET I will provide updates on the party’s activities and Garland Favorito and other activists will be available to answer your questions about efforts to advance election integrity in Georgia.  Just text  TTH20220709  to (404) 994-3586 to quickly register.  You can also RSVP with one click once you log into the website. Click here to log in or activate your account, then RSVP via the website.

You should get an RSVP confirmation with the Zoom Conferencing info and helpful tips.  If you provide your email address but don't receive a confirmation email within a few minutes of registering, check your email provider's Spam or Junk folders.  If the email message isn't there, check the Zoom Meetings Help page for assistance.

Click here to create an email to share this content with those you know who are concerned about and want news on election integrity. 

With a vision of victory,

Ricardo Davis
State Chairman
Constitution Party of Georgia

P.S.  Now that VoterGA and Rep. Philip Singleton have sued the State of Georgia to stop using the illegal ballot marking device (BMD) voting systems from Dominion, we need to urge our representatives and senators to replace them! Use this link to sign.  Share with fellow concerned Georgians:  https://www.gaconstitutionparty.org/dump_illegal_dominion_bmds.  In addition, you can personally support the case in court by signing the Support and Demand for Court Protection of Citizens’ Elective Franchise petition.  Use this link to invite your concerned friends and family:  http://www.OperationPatriotVote.com.  Thanks for your help in these efforts!

P.P.S.  If you are able, please chip in $10 or more today so the CP-GA can cover the cost of the meetings and campaigns to keep up the fight for election integrity here in Georgia.  Checking the "Monthly" option is an extra boost. 

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