Georgians Ending Abortion (GEA) has launched a Personhood Amendment Petition to urge Governor Brian Kemp to convene a special session of the Georgia General Assembly to pass an amendment to the State Constitution that would recognize the paramount right to life of all human beings as persons at any stage of development from fertilization to natural death. The Constitution Party of Georgia (CP-GA) is a member of the Georgians Ending Abortion coalition and co-sponsor of the Personhood Amendment Petition.
Your immediate action is needed. We don't know what the outcome of the November election will be, and we do not have any assurance that pro-life leaders will be elected to serve in 2023. We do know that Governor Kemp has the opportunity to make national history if he takes decisive leadership now. Thousands of Georgia children may be legally murdered in our state before the beginning of the next regularly scheduled session.
Sign the Petition to call Governor Kemp to immediately convene a special session of the Georgia General Assembly to pass a Personhood Amendment to the State Constitution.
The recent Supreme Court decision on Dobbs paves the way for us to take bold, decisive action and leave no child vulnerable to death by elective abortion. By enacting a Personhood Amendment to the state’s constitution, we will lay the foundation to protect all innocent human life, from earliest beginning through natural death — no exceptions. This is the pivotal opportunity we’ve been praying and working for — to do everything in our power to protect hundreds of thousands of innocent lives.
A human being, whose life begins at fertilization and ends in natural death, is created in God's image. We recognize and affirm the legal personhood of all human beings, without exception. The first duty of the law is to prevent the shedding of innocent blood. Therefore it is the duty of all civil governments to secure and to safeguard the lives of persons from fertilization to natural death.
"Sanctity of Life" - CP-GA Platform