CP-Ga Supports Revolutionary War Action-Adventure Film

The premiere night was a success with 173 attendees!  After a satisfying theater run Beyond the Mask will be available on Blu-Ray and DVD on September 8.  Constitution Party of Georgia supporters can pre-order the movie at a 20% discount (the party does not benefit from sales).

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CP-Ga Lauds Moore for Calling Granade’s Legal Bluff

February 9, 2015
Contact: Ricardo Davis, 404-620-2440

ATLANTA, GA – The Constitution Party of Georgia stands with Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy S. Moore in his actions to uphold the rule of law by calling Federal District Judge Granade’s legal bluff.

State Chairman Ricardo Davis noted, “Moore’s publicly available letter to the Probate Judges was a straightforward and readable explanation of Granade’s actions and the law related to the Probate Judge. The bottom line: Granade’s order and subsequent clarification did not direct the state officials who are charged with the responsibility of issuing marriage licenses to do anything. The injunction only applies to the sole defendant in the case, the Alabama Attorney General.”

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Independent Political Party Recommends Carolyn Cosby for Chairman of the Cherokee County Board of Commissioners

October 31, 2014
Contact: Ricardo Davis (404) 671-8502

ATLANTA, GA – Carolyn Cosby, Independent candidate for Chairman of the Cherokee County Board of Commissioners, has been recommended by the Constitution Party of Georgia in lieu of a party candidate in the race.

State Chairman and Cherokee County resident Ricardo Davis praised Cosby for her practical application of Christian ethics and constitutional principles in local politics. Davis commented, “While most people are focused on state-wide or federal campaigns I and my neighbors in Cherokee County are facing tough decisions about the future of our communities. The issues transcend partisan lines and ethnicity. In the metro-Atlanta area we've seen that cronyism, wasteful public spending, corrupt dealings, and false witness abound regardless of political party.”

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