Election Integrity Update - 7/31/2021

Garland Interview on Real America's VoiceOn the July 31st Election Integrity Update Garland Favorito spoke to over 120 attendees with an updates on the Fulton County ballot inspection case and David Cross stepped through how he and fellow volunteers analyzed Fulton County ballot batches to find serious problems.  They responded to questions from the attendees, and a number of volunteers stepped forward to help David and team review other counties.  Use the link below to view the July 24th Election Integrity Update if you missed it or you would like to share with friends and family.

Meeting Recording Link: CP-GA Election Integrity Update 7/31/2021
Access Passcode: eK30F&2F

If you want to help the election integrity work of VoterGA as Garland and the team for their in-depth inspection of Fulton County ballot, please consider a tax-deductible donation to VoterGA as they work to advance transparency in Georgia's elections.

Given the success of the Woodstock Independence Parade and Festival, Rosemarie Parrish is helping election integrity supporters coordinate additional efforts to bring election integrity news to communities across Georgia through participation in local festivals and parades this summer and fall.  If you're interested in helping as a volunteer or providing resources then please contact Rosemarie at [email protected]

On the August 7th Election Integrity Update at 9:00 a.m. ET, Garland Favorito and other election integrity activists will be available to answer your questions as Garland updates us on the Fulton County Ballot Inspection case and more.  Just text EIU08072021 to (404) 994-3586 quickly register.  You can also RSVP with one click once you log into the website. Click here to log in or activate your account, then RSVP via the website.

You should get a RSVP confirmation with the Zoom Conferencing info, a calendar link or file, and helpful tips.  If you provide your email address but don't get a confirmation email within a few minutes of registering, check your email provider's Spam or Junk folders.  If the email message isn't there then check the Zoom Meetings Help page for assistance.

Please copy the links above and share with those you know who are concerned and want news on elections integrity.

With a vision of victory,


Ricardo Davis
State Chairman
Constitution Party of Georgia
(404) 620-2440

P.S.  The Attorney General Chris Carr “Vote of No Confidence Petition is one way to hold the powerful accountable for opposing election transparency.  We are 92% of the way to our goal, keep sharing and promoting it so we can reach 2000 signatures and hand-deliver a strong message.

P.P.S.  If you are able, please chip in $10 or more today so the CP-GA can cover the cost of the meetings and election integrity campaigns to keep up the fight for election integrity here in Georgia.  Checking the "Monthly" option is an extra boost.

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