Our compatriots at the Constitution Party of Alabama welcome Constitution Party leaders and activists across the nation who are energized by the 2016 elections to the Fall National Committee Meeting. Join us as we work to keep up the momentum and continue to build the party at the local and state level.
Friday, December 9
Executive Committee Meeting, all day
1:00 pm – Campaign Roundup for non-Executive Committee attendees
Everyone is invited to attend this gathering hosted by Joan Castle. A review of the 2016 Presidential campaign – what we learned, what we could do better, as well as your comments, ideas and input.
6:00 pm – Friday Night Banquet with keynote speaker Judge Roy Moore
Saturday, December 10
National Committee Meeting, all day
Event Registration Instructions
Click here to download the registration form, complete and return to the National Office (included on form) via mail, email, or fax, regardless of method of payment.
Click here to pay online. Enter total amount in the first section. Select “Registration Fee” when asked how we may attribute your donation.
Hotel Accommodations
Room Rate: $97.00, including tax. Hotel Reservation Phone: (256) 721-9428.
Tell them you are with the Constitution Party National Committee Meeting.
Reservation deadline: Friday, December 2nd
550 Sparkman Dr
Huntsville, AL 35816
United States
Google map and directions