2024 State Convention - February 10th

Make plans to join other like-minded patriots from across Georgia to attend this year's State Convention Saturday, February 10th. This year the convention will be held online.  The agenda will include state party achievements since the last convention, national party updates, candidate nominations and more.  All members who are members in good standing can participate as delegates at the convention.

We look forward to meeting you!

If you don't receive the confirmation email review the Event Communication Help page.  Note:  if you text to RSVP and you don't get a response within a few minutes then most likely there was a typographical error in the keyword you sent, please review and resend.

February 10, 2024 at 12:30pm - 2:30pm
Video Conference
Woodstock, GA
United States
Google map and directions
Tania Sosa · · (404) 994-3586

Will you come?

$10.00 Convention Registration