As controversy continues about Georgia’s unverifiable voting equipment and its results, the safer option for Georgia voters continues to be voting from the convenience of home to reduce the risk of vote manipulation. The Constitution Party of Georgia urges voters to avoid the lines and create evidence of your vote via mail-in ballot.
Here is a list of voting options for Georgia voters by risk:
LOWEST RISK: Apply for an Absentee Ballot, vote at home and deliver the ballot to your county elections office in person no later than 7:00 pm on Election Day. This creates a verifiable, paper audit trail that can be recounted and it reduces the time frame for tampering if it is delivered on election day.
LOWER RISK: Apply for an Absentee Ballot, vote at home and mail the ballot to the county office so that it arrives two business days before election day. This creates a verifiable paper audit trail that can be recounted. You can also hand-deliver the ballot to your county elections office prior to election day.
HIGHER RISK: Vote on Election Day at the polls. Votes cast using the current Dominion ballot marking devices cannot be verified by the voter in violation of state law. Accurate recounts cannot be conducted because there is no reliable audit trail, and poll locations may have been moved due to construction at the location, etc.
HIGHEST RISK: Use Early Voting at selected polling locations. Votes cast cannot be verified, independently audited or recounted, and all systems are vulnerable to tampering throughout the early voting period.
Absentee ballot requests must be received at least 11 days before election day (hospital patients have an extra day to apply). More information on absentee voting for eligible Georgia voters can be found on the Secretary of State web site. Voters can download the absentee ballot application or obtain it from their county voter registration and elections office. More information on your county elections office can be found by logging into the My Voter Page.
Once you receive a ballot from the county election's office, mail or deliver it to election's office or annex before Election Day. You cannot turn other people’s absentee ballots unless they checked the disabled box on their application. You cannot turn an absentee ballot into your precinct on Election Day but you can bring it with you, have them spoil it, and vote electronically there.
You can always check the status of your voter registration, view a sample ballot, and find out your precinct's polling place by logging into the My Voter Page. For encouragement on how to evaluate candidates based on Constitution Party principles check out Institute on the Constitution's How Shall We Vote.