Election Integrity Update - 4/24/2021

Here's how you can view today's Election Integrity Update if you missed it or you would like to share with friends and family.

Meeting Recording Link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/qLGTDZeHnL8OzFw5gJYTpjHaIh_8umNVpyjtS0tzhL7dRNYJGqcD4o6z9UNO4Q_3.p6ztULHtX4BDp8FR
Access Passcode: bD%z+4k@

The next Election Integrity Update will be on Saturday, May 1 at 9:00 a.m. with Garland Favorito, Paul Nally, and other leaders in the fight available to answer your questions about the latest news. We'll also report on the today's Political Leadership School where a number of our election integrity compatriots joined me for a great time (see picture).  We appreciate No Left Turn in Education-Georgia for hosting the event.

FACL Political Leadership School-Milton, GA

RSVP today and spread the word!

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