Election Integrity Update - 5/28/2022

20220528 Post-Primary Presentation-Garland FavoritoWith all the reported problems during this month’s Primary Election and the number of candidates running across the state that made election integrity a campaign issue, I was not surprised that we had 327 people RSVP for Saturday’s Election Integrity Update.  During the first half of the meeting Garland Favorito summarized the issues and provided details on how Voters Organized for Trusted Election Results in Georgia (VoterGA) is working to inspect the ballots to confirm the results of the election.

We began Saturday’s meeting with an update on Zoe Neisler, daughter of middle Georgia election integrity leaders Mike and Lisa Neisler, who was recently diagnosed with leukemia.  Zoe was transported to an Atlanta hospital to better care for her needs, and Lisa has taken a leave of absence from work to be with their daughter.  I encouraged everyone to pray for the Neislers and to give to support them in this crucial hour, to learn more and to help please go to the Neisler Family Fund to help Zoe beat Leukemia site.

Garland also announced yesterday’s special presentation of the movie 2000 Mules in Atlanta with director Dinesh D’Souza, hosted by Turning Point Action.  Garland and other VoterGA volunteers attended.

I invited folks in the north metro-Atlanta area to participate in the upcoming Foundation for Applied Conservative Leadership (FACL) Political Leadership School.  The next session will be held in Canton on June 18th.  This is an all-day class for activists serious about making progress on the issue of election integrity at the grassroots level.  If you’d like to see this training offered in your area this year, contact us today!

Garland had to leave the meeting before 11:00 a.m. to present the findings he covered at the Madison Forum in Woodstock.  But that didn’t end the meeting!  Attendees reported various election issues and we focused on organizing to address them.  Marcia Cox volunteered to be the point person for post-election canvassing efforts for VoterGA, we’ll reach out to folks as soon as the effort is organized.

There was a noticeable frustration among some in attendance that recent efforts to restore integrity in our elections have been in vain.  I understand. Some of the folks running for re-election are seen as grossly negligent (at best) in dealing with Georgia’s election problems.  I provided the attendees a brief history of elections reform from the 90’s forward.  The 2000 Presidential election debacle in Florida set the stage for massive changes in how we conduct our elections, yet few people in Georgia were concerned about the dangers and fewer in positions of authority were willing to act when Garland raised this issue in the early 2000’s.  Two decades later thousands of citizens across Georgia are aware of the problems and are working and donating to scores of efforts and organizations with a shared commitment to restore integrity in Georgia’s elections.

This gives me great hope that truth will prevail if we do not give up!

Today is Memorial Day, when we commemorate those who have sacrificed their lives to preserve our constitutional representative republic.  If we redouble our commitment to the restoration of the utmost integrity in how we elect our representatives, then those who we honor this day will not have died in vain.

Use the link below to view the May 28th Election Integrity Update if you missed it or want to share with friends and family.

Meeting Recording Link:  CP-GA Election Integrity Update 5/28/2022
Access Passcode:  %e^v#=71

On the June 4th Election Integrity Update at 9:00 a.m. ET hosted by the CP-GA, Garland Favorito and other activists will be available to answer your questions about efforts to advance election integrity in Georgia.  Just text EIU06042022 to (404) 994-3586 to quickly register.  You can also RSVP with one click once you log into the website. Click here to log in or activate your account, then RSVP via the website.

You should get an RSVP confirmation with the Zoom Conferencing info and helpful tips.  If you provide your email address but don't receive a confirmation email within a few minutes of registering, check your email provider's Spam or Junk folders.  If the email message isn't there, check the Zoom Meetings Help page for assistance.

Click here to create an email to share this content with those you know who are concerned about and want news on election integrity.

With a vision of victory,

Ricardo Davis
State Chairman
Constitution Party of Georgia

P.S.  Now that VoterGA and Rep. Philip Singleton have sued the State of Georgia to stop using the illegal ballot marking device (BMD) voting systems from Dominion, we need to urge our representatives and senators to replace them! Use this link to sign.  Share with fellow concerned Georgians:  https://www.gaconstitutionparty.org/dump_illegal_dominion_bmds.  In addition, you can personally support the case in court by signing the Support and Demand for Court Protection of Citizens’ Elective Franchise petition.  Use this link to invite your concerned friends and family:  http://www.OperationPatriotVote.com.  Thanks for your help in supporting these efforts!

P.P.S.  If you are able, please chip in $10 or more today so the CP-GA can cover the cost of the meetings and campaigns to keep up the fight for election integrity in Georgia.  Checking the "Monthly" option is an extra boost.

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