Elections Reform: Without sound election procedures and processes the very foundations of sound governance are undermined. We call for the following reforms to Georgia’s elections: voters must be able to verify the selections on the actual ballot of record given to election officials, election officials must be able to audit the totals produced by the electronic voting systems for accuracy, tangible ballots must be retained for recount purposes, Election Day random audits must be performed at the precinct level to ensure the accuracy of vote recording systems, and replace the current plurality voting method with the score voting method.
Legislative Reform: Legislative authority is properly vested in a general assembly elected by and accountable to the people. We call for the repeal of laws that delegate legislative authority to non-elected administrative agencies and commissions.
Executive Orders: Executive orders that have the effect of law violate the principle of the separation of powers. We therefore oppose the use of executive orders to make law. We call for the repeal of all executive orders affecting policy outside of the executive branch.
Judiciary: The Constitution stipulates that the indefinite terms of federal judges are dependent upon their continued good behavior. We call on Congress to end judicial activism by enforcing of the rule of good behavior (through impeachment) and by using its authority to override unconstitutional court decisions. Court decisions do not constitute law.
Money and Banking: The federal government’s departure from the constitutional principles of money and banking threaten the country’s economic stability and the survival of our republican form of government. We therefore support a return to the monetary and banking provisions set forth in the Constitution (Article 1 Section 8) and the abolition of the Federal Reserve System.
Privatization: We call for the state government to divest itself of all operations not authorized by the Constitution. We call for the end of “public-private partnerships” which amount to a government franchise and license to private corporations to enter public works, usually accompanied by government financing.
Public Debt: We call for the prompt and systematic reduction of public debt through the elimination of unconstitutional programs and agencies.
Subsidies: We oppose agricultural and corporate subsidies as unconstitutional and counterproductive to free enterprise.
Taxation: We support the elimination of the state income tax. We oppose the use of so called "tax abatements," "tax incentives," and "economic development grants," which are pretexts to raid the public treasury and rob the working man for the benefit of wealthy interests favored by the politicians.
Veto Authority: We oppose the line item veto as an unconstitutional delegation of legislative power to the Governor.