Online Poll Watcher Training - September 19, 2024
You can train to be a poll watcher with the free in-person training class by Voters Organized for Trusted Election Results in Georgia (VoterGA) and the Election Integrity Network. This in-depth training designed by a senior Georgia poll managers provides volunteers an understanding of the background of poll watching, the process of voter flow, understanding of the voting equipment, opening and closing procedures, what happens to the data cards and ballots after the close of Election Day Precincts, helpful tips on what to look for and more. The training also covers the laws associated with poll watching.
September 2015 Update
It has been an exciting summer for the Constitution Party here in Georgia! Interest is growing and the Lord is opening doors of opportunity. Your State Leadership Team is working to take advantage of the current climate of political dissatisfaction and disgust and present a vision of victory by building a better political movement! In today’s email I’ll share some party highlights and opportunities for you to get involved. Party Founder Howard Phillips often remarked that this party is not a discussion club or a debate society but a political action movement; so let’s get started taking back America one community at a time!
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