The COEXIST Party… or the Constitution Party?
In my tenure as State Chairman I have been often asked, "Where does Christianity belong in our party?" The answer is in the National Platform the delegates from across the nation have continually approved. Since the question is normally asked by those with a sincere concern regarding religious tolerance, I will appeal to the to the platform in dealing with how we draw the line between promoting our Christian beliefs and promoting a theocracy.
Religious Liberty Assaulted Again Under Governor Deal’s watch
By Gerald Harris, Editor of The Christian Index
(Originally appeared in The Christian Index on April 24, 2017)
It has happened again. The Georgia state government has attempted to censor, silence, and repress a Christian for sharing the Gospel.
Chike Uzuegbunam, a student at Georgia Gwinnett College, was repeatedly prohibited from discussing his Christian faith on campus, even after he had obtained permission to do so in one of the school’s free-speech zones.
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