FACL Political Leadership School
The Constitution Party of Georgia (CP-Ga) invites its members and supporters to participate in the Foundation for Applied Conservative Leadership (FACL) Political Leadership School. This is an all day class for activists serious about making progress at the grassroots level.
FACL's goal is to help our fellow citizens understand how the political process works in America.
When you understand how the political process works, you can make it work to advance the issues and causes that will restore America to its constitutional roots.
They want their students to understand just how much power they really have. You no longer have to be a prisoner of politicians and their schemes. You can finally burn your victim card.
Maintaining our freedom is not a one-time event. Our liberty will not be restored by one person being elected to the White House. Change is a process. Someone will be in charge, and politicians will be concerned about their next election.
We don't want to equip you to be an effective pawn or volunteer for a candidate, elected official, or political party. We want to help you create a political environment that will reduce government interference in our lives and promote responsiveness in our elected officials through effective oversight of their actions.
After completing the course on State Chairman Ricardo Davis commented, "If the Constitution Party is going make progress, then we need to train to win! FACL provides the practical, no-nonsense training needed for activist volunteers and leaders; those who apply the principles taught will make a difference in their local community. Every activist who is serious about affecting change in municipal and state government must take this class!"
This intense one-day training covers:
• The Real Nature of Politics - why just "educating" people alone won't result in change
• The Biggest Lie in Politics - how the political class uses your convictions against you
• How to Work Effectively at the Capitol - getting a bill sponsor and a roll call vote despite the leadership
• How to Build a Group - putting pressure on legislators
This class will teach you how to turn your passion into effective action.
In short video below, Foundation President Mike Rothfeld introduces you to the philosophy which drives our training and motivates our instructors. We call it “The Real Nature of Politics.” Once you understand these basic principles, you will understand why politics is understandable and winnable and sets you up for long-term political success.
To register for the Political Leadership Training School click here!
If you’d like to have this training offered in your community, then please contact Debbie Hopper at [email protected].