Biblical Case for Changing Unjust Laws - Justly
The CP-Ga platform's first subject after the preamble is the sanctity of life. The Party's supporters and members understand that this God-given unalienable right along with the right to defend innocent life in the Second Amendment are the foundation of our citizens' rights and responsibilities.
Georgia Right to Life has held high the standard regarding our public official's duty to protect the sanctity of all human life. The article below by GRTL president Dan Becker so reflects the Party's approach to restore justice that it is worthy of reproduction here and sharing with your friends.
Would you vote for a law where a 20 week fetus is given an anesthetic and then “humanely” aborted? The Montana legislature passed such a bill and is waiting on the governor's signature. This bill is “unjust” and displeases the Lord who will hold accountable a nation who despises His ways.
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